Source code for arc.alkali_atom_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implements general single-atom calculations

This module calculates single (isolated) atom properties of all alkali metals in
general. For example, it calculates dipole matrix elements, quandrupole matrix
elements, etc.  Also, some helpful general functions are here, e.g. for saving
and loading calculations (single-atom and pair-state based), printing state
labels etc.


from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from math import exp,log,sqrt
# for web-server execution, uncomment the following two lines
#import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import re

from .wigner import Wigner6j,Wigner3j,wignerD,CG,wignerDmatrix
from scipy.constants import physical_constants, pi , epsilon_0, hbar
from scipy.constants import k as C_k
from scipy.constants import c as C_c
from scipy.constants import h as C_h
from scipy.constants import e as C_e
from scipy.constants import m_e as C_m_e
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

# for matrices
from numpy import zeros,savetxt, complex64,complex128
from numpy.linalg import eigvalsh,eig,eigh
from import conjugate
from numpy.lib.polynomial import real

from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse import kron as kroneckerp
from scipy.sparse.linalg import eigsh
from scipy.special.specfun import fcoef
from scipy import floor

import sys, os
if sys.version_info > (2,):
    xrange = range

    import cPickle as pickle   # fast, C implementation of the pickle
    import pickle   # Python 3 already has efficient pickle (instead of cPickle)
import gzip
import csv
import sqlite3
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.float64, float)
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.float32, float)
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.int64, int)
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.int32, int)

[docs]class AlkaliAtom(object): """ Implements general calculations for alkali atoms. This abstract class implements general calculations methods. Args: preferQuantumDefects (bool): Use quantum defects for energy level calculations. If False, uses NIST ASD values where available. If True, uses quantum defects for energy calculations for principal quantum numbers equal or above :obj:`minQuantumDefectN` which is specified for each element separately. For principal quantum numbers below this value, NIST ASD values are used, since quantum defects don't reproduce well low-lying states. Default is True. cpp_numerov (bool): should the wavefunction be calculated with Numerov algorithm implemented in C++; if False, it uses pure Python implementation that is much slower. Default is True. """ # ALL PARAMETERS ARE IN ATOMIC UNITS (Hatree) alpha = physical_constants["fine-structure constant"][0] a1,a2,a3,a4,rc = [0],[0],[0],[0],[0] """ Model potential parameters fitted from experimental observations for different l (electron angular momentum) """ alphaC = 0.0 #: Core polarizability Z = 0.0 #: Atomic number sEnergy = 0 NISTdataLevels = 0 scaledRydbergConstant = 0 #: in eV quantumDefect = [[[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\ [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\ [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]], [[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\ [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],\ [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]]] """ Contains list of modified Rydberg-Ritz coefficients for calculating quantum defects for [[ :math:`S_{1/2},P_{1/2},D_{3/2},F_{5/2}`], [ :math:`S_{1/2},P_{3/2},D_{5/2},F_{7/2}`]].""" levelDataFromNIST = "" #: location of stored NIST values of measured energy levels in eV dipoleMatrixElementFile = "" #: location of hard-disk stored dipole matrix elements quadrupoleMatrixElementFile = "" #: location of hard-disk stored dipole matrix elements dataFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),"data") # now additional literature sources of dipole matrix elements literatureDMEfilename = "" """ Filename of the additional literature source values of dipole matrix elements. These additional values should be saved as reduced dipole matrix elements in J basis. """ #: levels that are for smaller principal quantum number (n) than ground level, but are above in energy due to angular part extraLevels = [] #: principal quantum number for the ground state groundStateN = 0 #: swich - should the wavefunction be calculated with Numerov algorithm implemented in C++ cpp_numerov = True mass = 0. #: atomic mass in kg abundance = 1.0 #: relative isotope abundance elementName = "elementName" #: Human-readable element name preferQuantumDefects = False minQuantumDefectN = 0 #: minimal quantum number for which quantum defects can be used; uses measured energy levels otherwise # SQLite connection and cursor conn = False c = False def __init__(self,preferQuantumDefects=True,cpp_numerov=True): # should the wavefunction be calculated with Numerov algorithm implemented in C; if false, it uses Python implementation that is much slower self.cpp_numerov = cpp_numerov self.preferQuantumDefects = preferQuantumDefects self._databaseInit() if self.cpp_numerov: from .arc_c_extensions import NumerovWavefunction self.NumerovWavefunction = NumerovWavefunction # load dipole matrix elements previously calculated data=[] if (self.dipoleMatrixElementFile != ""): if (preferQuantumDefects == False): self.dipoleMatrixElementFile = "NIST_"+self.dipoleMatrixElementFile try: data = np.load(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,\ self.dipoleMatrixElementFile),\ encoding = 'latin1') except IOError as e: print("Error reading dipoleMatrixElement File "+\ os.path.join(self.dataFolder,self.dipoleMatrixElementFile)) print(e) # save to SQLite database try: self.c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='dipoleME';''') if (self.c.fetchone()[0] == 0): # create table self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dipoleME (n1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, n2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, dme DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY (n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2) ) ''') if (len(data)>0): self.c.executemany('INSERT INTO dipoleME VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', data) self.conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Error while loading precalculated values into the database") print(e) exit() # load quadrupole matrix elements previously calculated data=[] if (self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile != ""): if (preferQuantumDefects == False): self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile = "NIST_"+self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile try: data = np.load(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,\ self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile),\ encoding = 'latin1') except IOError as e: print("Error reading quadrupoleMatrixElementFile File "+\ os.path.join(self.dataFolder,self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile)) print(e) # save to SQLite database try: self.c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='quadrupoleME';''') if (self.c.fetchone()[0] == 0): # create table self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS quadrupoleME (n1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, n2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, qme DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY (n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2) ) ''') if (len(data)>0): self.c.executemany('INSERT INTO quadrupoleME VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', data) self.conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Error while loading precalculated values into the database") print(e) exit() self.sEnergy = np.array([[0.0]*self.NISTdataLevels]*self.NISTdataLevels) # Always load NIST data on measured energy levels; # Even when user wants to use quantum defects, qunatum defects for # lowest lying state are not always so accurate, so below the # minQuantumDefectN cut-off (defined for each element separately) # getEnergy(...) will always return measured, not calculated energy levels if (self.levelDataFromNIST == ""): print("NIST level data file not specified. Only quantum defects will be used.") else: levels = self._parseLevelsFromNIST(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,\ self.levelDataFromNIST)) br = 0 while br<len(levels): self._addEnergy(levels[br][0], levels[br][1],levels[br][2], levels[br][3]) br = br+1 # read Literature values for dipole matrix elements self._readLiteratureValues() return def _databaseInit(self): self.conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,\ self.precalculatedDB)) self.c = self.conn.cursor()
[docs] def getPressure(self,temperature): """ Vapour pressure (in Pa) at given temperature Args: temperature (float): temperature in K Returns: float: vapour pressure in Pa """ print("Error: getPressure to-be implement in child class (otherwise this\ call is invalid for the specified atom") exit()
[docs] def getNumberDensity(self,temperature): """ Atom number density at given temperature See `calculation of basic properties example snippet`_. .. _`calculation of basic properties example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#General-atomic-properties Args: temperature (float): temperature in K Returns: float: atom concentration in :math:`1/m^3` """ return self.getPressure(temperature)/(C_k*temperature)
[docs] def getAverageInteratomicSpacing(self,temperature): """ Returns average interatomic spacing in atomic vapour See `calculation of basic properties example snippet`_. .. _`calculation of basic properties example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#General-atomic-properties Args: temperature (float): temperature of the atomic vapour Returns: float: average interatomic spacing in m """ return (5./9.)*self.getNumberDensity(temperature)**(-1./3.)
[docs] def corePotential(self,l,r): """ core potential felt by valence electron For more details about derivation of model potential see Ref. [#marinescu]_. Args: l (int): orbital angular momentum r (float): distance from the nucleus (in a.u.) Returns: float: core potential felt by valence electron (in a.u. ???) References: .. [#marinescu] M. Marinescu, H. R. Sadeghpour, and A. Dalgarno PRA **49**, 982 (1994), """ return -self.effectiveCharge(l,r)/r-self.alphaC/(2*r**4)*(1-exp(-(r/self.rc[l])**6))
[docs] def effectiveCharge(self,l,r): """ effective charge of the core felt by valence electron For more details about derivation of model potential see Ref. [#marinescu]_. Args: l (int): orbital angular momentum r (float): distance from the nucleus (in a.u.) Returns: float: effective charge (in a.u.) """ return 1.0+(self.Z-1)*exp(-self.a1[l]*r)-r*(self.a3[l]+self.a4[l]*r)*exp(-self.a2[l]*r)
[docs] def potential(self,l,s,j,r): """ returns total potential that electron feels Total potential = core potential + Spin-Orbit interaction Args: l (int): orbital angular momentum s (float): spin angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum r (float): distance from the nucleus (in a.u.) Returns: float: potential (in a.u.) """ if l<4: return self.corePotential(l,r)+self.alpha**2/(2.0*r**3)*(j*(j+1.0)-l*(l+1.0)-s*(s+1))/2.0 else: # act as if it is a Hydrogen atom return -1./r+self.alpha**2/(2.0*r**3)*(j*(j+1.0)-l*(l+1.0)-s*(s+1))/2.0
[docs] def radialWavefunction(self,l,s,j,stateEnergy,innerLimit,outerLimit,step): """ Radial part of electron wavefunction Calculates radial function with Numerov (from outside towards the core). Note that wavefunction might not be calculated all the way to the requested `innerLimit` if the divergence occurs before. In that case third returned argument gives nonzero value, corresponding to the first index in the array for which wavefunction was calculated. For quick example see `Rydberg wavefunction calculation snippet`_. .. _`Rydberg wavefunction calculation snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Rydberg-atom-wavefunctions Args: l (int): orbital angular momentum s (float): spin angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum stateEnergy (float): state energy, relative to ionization threshold, should be given in atomic units (Hatree) innerLimit (float): inner limit at which wavefunction is requested outerLimit (float): outer limit at which wavefunction is requested step (flaot): radial step for integration mesh (a.u.) Returns: List[float], List[flaot], int: :math:`r` :math:`R(r)\cdot r` .. note:: Radial wavefunction is not scaled to unity! This normalization condition means that we are using spherical harmonics which are normalized such that :math:`\\int \\mathrm{d}\\theta~\\mathrm{d}\\psi~Y(l,m_l)^* \\times \ Y(l',m_{l'}) = \\delta (l,l') ~\\delta (m_l, m_{l'})`. Note: Alternative calculation methods can be added here (potenatial package expansion). """ if self.cpp_numerov: # efficiant implementation in C if (l<4): d = self.NumerovWavefunction(innerLimit,outerLimit,\ step,0.01,0.01,\ l,s,j,stateEnergy,self.alphaC,self.alpha,\ self.Z, self.a1[l],self.a2[l],self.a3[l],self.a4[l],\ self.rc[l],\ (self.mass-C_m_e)/self.mass) else: d = self.NumerovWavefunction(innerLimit,outerLimit,\ step,0.01,0.01,\ l,s,j,stateEnergy,self.alphaC,self.alpha,\ self.Z,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,\ (self.mass-C_m_e)/self.mass) psi_r = d[0] r = d[1] suma = np.trapz(psi_r**2, x=r) psi_r = psi_r/(sqrt(suma)) else: # full implementation in Python mu = (self.mass-C_m_e)/self.mass def potential(x): r = x*x return -3./(4.*r)+4.*r*(\ 2.*mu*(stateEnergy-self.potential(l, s, j, r))-l*(l+1)/(r**2)\ ) r,psi_r = NumerovBack(innerLimit,outerLimit,potential,\ step,0.01,0.01) suma = np.trapz(psi_r**2, x=r) psi_r = psi_r/(sqrt(suma)) return r,psi_r
def _parseLevelsFromNIST(self,fileData): """ Parses the level energies from file listing the NIST ASD data Args: fileData (str): path to the file containing NIST ASD data for the element """ f = open(fileData,"r") l = 0 n = 0 levels = [] for line in f: line = re.sub('[\[\]]', '', line) pattern = "\.\d*[spdfgh]" pattern2 = "\|\s+\d*/" pattern3 = "/\d* \|" pattern4 = "\| *\d*\.\d* *\|" match =,line) if (match!= None): n = int(line[match.start()+1:match.end()-1]) if (match!= None): ch = line[match.end()-1:match.end()] if ch == "s": l=0 elif ch =="p": l = 1 elif ch == "d": l = 2 elif ch == "f": l = 3 elif ch == "g": l = 4 elif ch == "h": l = 5 else: print("Unidentified character in line:\n",line) exit() match =,line) if (match != None): br1 = float(line[match.start()+2:match.end()-1]) match =,line) br2 = float(line[match.start()+1:match.end()-2]) match =,line) energyValue = float(line[match.start()+1:match.end()-1]) levels.append([n,l,br1/br2,energyValue]) f.close() return levels def _addEnergy(self,n,l,j,energyNIST): """ Adding energy levels Accepts energy level relative to **ground state**, and saves energy levels, relative to the **ionization treshold**. Args: energyNIST (float): energy relative to the nonexcited level (= 0 eV) """ # if abs(j-(l-0.5))<0.001: # j =l-1/2 self.sEnergy[n-1,l] = energyNIST - self.ionisationEnergy else: # j = l+1/2 self.sEnergy[l,n-1] = energyNIST - self.ionisationEnergy
[docs] def getTransitionWavelength(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Calculated transition wavelength (in vacuum) in m. Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going Returns: float: transition wavelength (in m). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ return (C_h*C_c)/((self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)-self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1))*C_e)
[docs] def getTransitionFrequency(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Calculated transition frequency in Hz Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going Returns: float: transition frequency (in Hz). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ return (self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)-self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1))*C_e/C_h
[docs] def getEnergy(self,n,l,j): """ Energy of the level relative to the ionisation level (in eV) Returned energies are with respect to the center of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. If `preferQuantumDefects` =False (set during initialization) program will try use NIST energy value, if such exists, falling back to energy calculation with quantum defects if the measured value doesn't exist. For `preferQuantumDefects` =True, program will always calculate energies from quantum defects (useful for comparing quantum defect calculations with measured energy level values). Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: state energy (eV) """ if l>=n: raise ValueError("Requested energy for state l=%d >= n=%d !" % (l,n)) if abs(j-(l-0.5))<0.001: # j = l-1/2 # use NIST data ? if (not self.preferQuantumDefects or n<self.minQuantumDefectN)and(n <= self.NISTdataLevels) and \ (abs(self.sEnergy[n-1,l])>1e-8): return self.sEnergy[n-1,l] # else, use quantum defects defect = self.getQuantumDefect(n, l,j) return -self.scaledRydbergConstant/((n-defect)**2) elif abs(j-(l+0.5))<0.001: # j = l+1/2 # use NIST data ? if (not self.preferQuantumDefects or n<self.minQuantumDefectN)and(n <= self.NISTdataLevels) and \ (abs(self.sEnergy[l,n-1])>1e-8): return self.sEnergy[l,n-1] # else, use quantum defects defect = self.getQuantumDefect(n, l,j) return -self.scaledRydbergConstant/((n-defect)**2) else: raise ValueError("j (=%.1f) is not equal to l+1/2 nor l-1/2 (l=%d)"%\ (j,l))
[docs] def getQuantumDefect(self,n,l,j): """ Quantum defect of the level. For an example, see `Rydberg energy levels example snippet`_. .. _`Rydberg energy levels example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Rydberg-Atom-Energy-Levels Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: quantum defect """ defect = 0.0 if (l<5): if abs(j-(l-0.5))<0.001: # j = l-1/2 defect = self.quantumDefect[0][l][0]+\ self.quantumDefect[0][l][1]/((n-self.quantumDefect[0][l][0])**2)+\ self.quantumDefect[0][l][2]/((n-self.quantumDefect[0][l][0])**4)+\ self.quantumDefect[0][l][3]/((n-self.quantumDefect[0][l][0])**6)+\ self.quantumDefect[0][l][4]/((n-self.quantumDefect[0][l][0])**8)+\ self.quantumDefect[0][l][5]/((n-self.quantumDefect[0][l][0])**10) else: # j = l + 1/2 defect = self.quantumDefect[1][l][0]+\ self.quantumDefect[1][l][1]/((n-self.quantumDefect[1][l][0])**2)+\ self.quantumDefect[1][l][2]/((n-self.quantumDefect[1][l][0])**4)+\ self.quantumDefect[1][l][3]/((n-self.quantumDefect[1][l][0])**6)+\ self.quantumDefect[1][l][4]/((n-self.quantumDefect[1][l][0])**8)+\ self.quantumDefect[1][l][5]/((n-self.quantumDefect[1][l][0])**10) return defect
[docs] def getRadialMatrixElement(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2,useLiterature=True): """ Radial part of the dipole matrix element Calculates :math:`\\int \\mathbf{d}r~R_{n_1,l_1,j_1}(r)\cdot \ R_{n_1,l_1,j_1}(r) \cdot r^3`. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of state 1 l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 1 j1 (float): total angular momentum of state 1 n2 (int): principal quantum number of state 2 l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 2 j2 (float): total angular momentum of state 2 Returns: float: dipole matrix element (:math:`a_0 e`). """ dl = abs(l1-l2) dj = abs(j2-j2) if not(dl==1 and (dj<1.1)): return 0 if (self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)>self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)): temp = n1 n1 = n2 n2 = temp temp = l1 l1 = l2 l2 = temp temp = j1 j1 = j2 j2 = temp n1 = int(n1) n2 = int(n2) l1 = int(l1) l2 = int(l2) j1_x2 = int(round(2*j1)) j2_x2 = int(round(2*j2)) if useLiterature: # is there literature value for this DME? If there is, use the best one (smalles error) self.c.execute('''SELECT dme FROM literatureDME WHERE n1= ? AND l1 = ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND n2 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ? ORDER BY errorEstimate ASC''',(n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2)) answer = self.c.fetchone() if (answer): # we did found literature value return answer[0] # was this calculated before? If it was, retrieve from memory self.c.execute('''SELECT dme FROM dipoleME WHERE n1= ? AND l1 = ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND n2 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ?''',(n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2)) dme = self.c.fetchone() if (dme): return dme[0] step = 0.001 r1,psi1_r1 = self.radialWavefunction(l1,0.5,j1,\ self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)/27.211,\ self.alphaC**(1/3.0),\ 2.0*n1*(n1+15.0), step) r2,psi2_r2 = self.radialWavefunction(l2,0.5,j2,\ self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)/27.211,\ self.alphaC**(1/3.0),\ 2.0*n2*(n2+15.0), step) upTo = min(len(r1),len(r2)) # note that r1 and r2 change in same staps, starting from the same value dipoleElement = np.trapz(np.multiply(np.multiply(psi1_r1[0:upTo],psi2_r2[0:upTo]),\ r1[0:upTo]), x = r1[0:upTo]) self.c.execute(''' INSERT INTO dipoleME VALUES (?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?)''',\ [n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2, dipoleElement] ) self.conn.commit() return dipoleElement
[docs] def getQuadrupoleMatrixElement(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Radial part of the quadrupole matrix element Calculates :math:`\\int \\mathbf{d}r~R_{n_1,l_1,j_1}(r)\cdot \ R_{n_1,l_1,j_1}(r) \cdot r^4`. See `Quadrupole calculation example snippet`_ . .. _`Quadrupole calculation example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Quadrupole-matrix-elements Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of state 1 l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 1 j1 (float): total angular momentum of state 1 n2 (int): principal quantum number of state 2 l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 2 j2 (float): total angular momentum of state 2 Returns: float: quadrupole matrix element (:math:`a_0^2 e`). """ dl = abs(l1-l2) dj = abs(j1-j2) if not ((dl==0 or dl==2 or dl==1)and (dj<2.1)): return 0 if (self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)>self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)): temp = n1 n1 = n2 n2 = temp temp = l1 l1 = l2 l2 = temp temp = j1 j1 = j2 j2 = temp n1 = int(n1) n2 = int(n2) l1 = int(l1) l2 = int(l2) j1_x2 = int(round(2*j1)) j2_x2 = int(round(2*j2)) # was this calculated before? If yes, retrieve from memory. self.c.execute('''SELECT qme FROM quadrupoleME WHERE n1= ? AND l1 = ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND n2 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ?''',(n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2)) qme = self.c.fetchone() if (qme): return qme[0] # if it wasn't, calculate now step = 0.001 r1, psi1_r1 = self.radialWavefunction(l1,0.5,j1,\ self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)/27.211,\ self.alphaC**(1/3.0), \ 2.0*n1*(n1+15.0), step) r2, psi2_r2 = self.radialWavefunction(l2,0.5,j2,\ self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)/27.211,\ self.alphaC**(1/3.0), \ 2.0*n2*(n2+15.0), step) upTo = min(len(r1),len(r2)) # note that r1 and r2 change in same staps, starting from the same value quadrupoleElement = np.trapz(np.multiply(np.multiply(psi1_r1[0:upTo],psi2_r2[0:upTo]),\ np.multiply(r1[0:upTo],r1[0:upTo])),\ x = r1[0:upTo]) self.c.execute(''' INSERT INTO quadrupoleME VALUES (?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?)''',\ [n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2, quadrupoleElement] ) self.conn.commit() return quadrupoleElement
[docs] def getReducedMatrixElementJ_asymmetric(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Reduced matrix element in :math:`J` basis, defined in asymmetric notation. Note that notation for symmetric and asymmetricly defined reduced matrix element is not consistent in the literature. For example, notation is used e.g. in Steck [1]_ is precisely the oposite. Note: Note that this notation is asymmetric: :math:`( j||e r \ ||j' ) \\neq ( j'||e r ||j )`. Relation between the two notation is :math:`\\langle j||er||j'\\rangle=\ \\sqrt{2j+1} ( j ||er ||j')`. This function always returns value for transition from lower to higher energy state, independent of the order of states entered in the function call. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of state 1 l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 1 j1 (float): total angular momentum of state 1 n2 (int): principal quantum number of state 2 l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 2 j2 (float): total angular momentum of state 2 Returns: float: reduced dipole matrix element in Steck notation :math:`( j || er || j' )` (:math:`a_0 e`). .. [1] Daniel A. Steck, "Cesium D Line Data," (revision 2.0.1, 2 May 2008). """ # if (self.getTransitionFrequency(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)<0): temp = n2 n2 = n1 n1 = temp temp = l1 l1 = l2 l2 = temp temp = j1 j1 = j2 j2 = temp s = round(float((l1-l2+1.0))/2.0+j2+l1+1.0+0.5) return (-1)**(int((l2+l1+3.)/2.+0.5+j2))*\ sqrt((2.0*j2+1.0)*(2.0*l1+1.0))*\ Wigner6j(l1,l2,1,j2,j1,0.5)*\ sqrt(float(max(l1,l2))/(2.0*l1+1.0))*\ self.getRadialMatrixElement(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)
[docs] def getReducedMatrixElementL(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Reduced matrix element in :math:`L` basis (symmetric notation) Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of state 1 l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 1 j1 (float): total angular momentum of state 1 n2 (int): principal quantum number of state 2 l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 2 j2 (float): total angular momentum of state 2 Returns: float: reduced dipole matrix element in :math:`L` basis :math:`\\langle l || er || l' \\rangle` (:math:`a_0 e`). """ return (-1)**l1*sqrt((2.0*l1+1.0)*(2.0*l2+1.0))*\ Wigner3j(l1,1,l2,0,0,0)*\ self.getRadialMatrixElement(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)
[docs] def getReducedMatrixElementJ(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Reduced matrix element in :math:`J` basis (symmetric notation) Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of state 1 l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 1 j1 (float): total angular momentum of state 1 n2 (int): principal quantum number of state 2 l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of state 2 j2 (float): total angular momentum of state 2 Returns: float: reduced dipole matrix element in :math:`J` basis :math:`\\langle j || er || j' \\rangle` (:math:`a_0 e`). """ return (-1)**(int(l1+0.5+j2+1.))*sqrt((2.*j1+1.)*(2.*j2+1.))*\ Wigner6j(j1, 1., j2, l2, 0.5, l1)*\ self.getReducedMatrixElementL(n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2)
[docs] def getDipoleMatrixElement(self,n1,l1,j1,mj1,n2,l2,j2,mj2,q): """ Dipole matrix element :math:`\\langle n_1 l_1 j_1 m_{j_1} |e\\mathbf{r}|n_2 l_2 j_2 m_{j_2}\\rangle` in units of :math:`a_0 e` Returns: float: dipole matrix element( :math:`a_0 e`) Example: For example, calculation of :math:`5 S_{1/2}m_j=-\\frac{1}{2} \\rightarrow 5 P_{3/2}m_j=-\\frac{3}{2}` transition dipole matrix element for laser driving :math:`\sigma^-` transition:: from arc import * atom = Rubidium() # transition 5 S_{1/2} m_j=-0.5 -> 5 P_{3/2} m_j=-1.5 for laser # driving sigma- transition print(atom.getDipoleMatrixElement(5,0,0.5,-0.5,5,1,1.5,-1.5,-1)) """ if abs(q)>1.1: return 0 return (-1)**(int(j1-mj1))*\ Wigner3j(j1, 1, j2, -mj1, -q, mj2)*\ self.getReducedMatrixElementJ(n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2)
[docs] def getRabiFrequency(self,n1,l1,j1,mj1,n2,l2,j2,q,laserPower,laserWaist): """ Returns a Rabi frequency for resonantly driven atom in a center of TEM00 mode of a driving field Args: n1,l1,j1,mj1 : state from which we are driving transition n2,l2,j2 : state to which we are driving transition q : laser polarization (-1,0,1 correspond to :math:`\sigma^-`, :math:`\pi` and :math:`\sigma^+` respectively) laserPower : laser power in units of W laserWaist : laser :math:`1/e^2` waist (radius) in units of m Returns: float: Frequency in rad :math:`^{-1}`. If you want frequency in Hz, divide by returned value by :math:`2\pi` """ maxIntensity = 2*laserPower/(pi* laserWaist**2) electricField = sqrt(2.*maxIntensity/(C_c*epsilon_0)) return self.getRabiFrequency2(n1,l1,j1,mj1,n2,l2,j2,q,electricField)
[docs] def getRabiFrequency2(self,n1,l1,j1,mj1,n2,l2,j2,q,electricFieldAmplitude): """ Returns a Rabi frequency for resonant excitation with a given electric field amplitude Args: n1,l1,j1,mj1 : state from which we are driving transition n2,l2,j2 : state to which we are driving transition q : laser polarization (-1,0,1 correspond to :math:`\sigma^-`, :math:`\pi` and :math:`\sigma^+` respectively) electricFieldAmplitude : amplitude of electric field driving (V/m) Returns: float: Frequency in rad :math:`^{-1}`. If you want frequency in Hz, divide by returned value by :math:`2\pi` """ mj2 = mj1+q if abs(mj2)-0.1>j2: return 0 dipole = self.getDipoleMatrixElement(n1,l1,j1,mj1,n2,l2,j2,mj2,q)*\ C_e*physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] freq = electricFieldAmplitude*abs(dipole)/hbar return freq
[docs] def getC6term(self,n,l,j,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ C6 interaction term for the given two pair-states Calculates :math:`C_6` intaraction term for :math:`|n,l,j,n,l,j\\rangle\ \\leftrightarrow |n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle`. For details of calculation see Ref. [#c6r1]_. Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: :math:`C_6 = \\frac{1}{4\\pi\\varepsilon_0} \ \\frac{|\\langle n,l,j |er|n_1,l_1,j_1\\rangle|^2|\ \\langle n,l,j |er|n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle|^2}\ {E(n_1,l_1,j_2,n_2,j_2,j_2)-E(n,l,j,n,l,j)}` (:math:`h` Hz m :math:`{}^6`). Example: We can reproduce values from Ref. [#c6r1]_ for C3 coupling to particular channels. Taking for example channels described by the Eq. (50a-c) we can get the values:: from arc import * channels = [[70,0,0.5, 70, 1,1.5, 69,1, 1.5],\\ [70,0,0.5, 70, 1,1.5, 69,1, 0.5],\\ [70,0,0.5, 69, 1,1.5, 70,1, 0.5],\\ [70,0,0.5, 70, 1,0.5, 69,1, 0.5]] print(" = = = Caesium = = = ") atom = Caesium() for channel in channels: print("%.0f GHz (mu m)^6" % ( atom.getC6term(*channel)/h*1.e27 )) print("\\n = = = Rubidium = = =") atom = Rubidium() for channel in channels: print("%.0f GHz (mu m)^6" % ( atom.getC6term(*channel)/h*1.e27 )) Returns:: = = = Caesium = = = 722 GHz (mu m)^6 316 GHz (mu m)^6 383 GHz (mu m)^6 228 GHz (mu m)^6 = = = Rubidium = = = 799 GHz (mu m)^6 543 GHz (mu m)^6 589 GHz (mu m)^6 437 GHz (mu m)^6 which is in good agreement with the values cited in the Ref. [#c6r1]_. Small discrepancies for Caesium originate from slightly different quantum defects used in calculations. References: .. [#c6r1] T. G. Walker, M. Saffman, PRA **77**, 032723 (2008) """ d1 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n,l,j,n1,l1,j1) d2 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n,l,j,n2,l2,j2) d1d2 = 1/(4.0*pi*epsilon_0)*d1*d2*C_e**2*\ (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**2 return -d1d2**2/(C_e*(self.getEnergy(n1,l1,j1)+\ self.getEnergy(n2,l2,j2)-\ 2*self.getEnergy(n,l,j)))
[docs] def getC3term(self,n,l,j,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ C3 interaction term for the given two pair-states Calculates :math:`C_3` intaraction term for :math:`|n,l,j,n,l,j\\rangle \ \\leftrightarrow |n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle` Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: :math:`C_3 = \\frac{\\langle n,l,j |er|n_1,l_1,j_1\\rangle \ \\langle n,l,j |er|n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle}{4\\pi\\varepsilon_0}` (:math:`h` Hz m :math:`{}^3`). """ d1 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n,l,j,n1,l1,j1) d2 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n,l,j,n2,l2,j2) d1d2 = 1/(4.0*pi*epsilon_0)*d1*d2*C_e**2*\ (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**2 return d1d2
[docs] def getEnergyDefect(self,n,l,j,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Energy defect for the given two pair-states (one of the state has two atoms in the same state) Energy difference between the states :math:`E(n,l,j,n,l,j) - \ E(n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2)` Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: energy defect (SI units: J) """ return C_e*(self.getEnergy(n1,l1,j1)+self.getEnergy(n2,l2,j2)-\ 2*self.getEnergy(n,l,j))
[docs] def getEnergyDefect2(self,n,l,j,nn,ll,jj,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Energy defect for the given two pair-states Energy difference between the states :math:`E(n,l,j,nn,ll,jj) - \ E(n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2)` See `pair-state energy defects example snippet`_. .. _`pair-state energy defects example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Rydberg-atom-interactions Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum nn (int): principal quantum number ll (int): orbital angular momenutum jj (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: energy defect (SI units: J) """ return C_e*(self.getEnergy(n1,l1,j1)+self.getEnergy(n2,l2,j2)-\ self.getEnergy(n,l,j)-self.getEnergy(nn,ll,jj))
[docs] def updateDipoleMatrixElementsFile(self): """ Updates the file with pre-calculated dipole matrix elements. This function will add the the file all the elements that have been calculated in the previous run, allowing quick access to them in the future calculations. """ # obtain dipole matrix elements from the database dipoleMatrixElement = [] self.c.execute('''SELECT * FROM dipoleME ''') for v in self.c.fetchall(): dipoleMatrixElement.append(v) # obtain quadrupole matrix elements from the database quadrupoleMatrixElement = [] self.c.execute('''SELECT * FROM quadrupoleME ''') for v in self.c.fetchall(): quadrupoleMatrixElement.append(v) # save dipole elements try:,\ self.dipoleMatrixElementFile),\ dipoleMatrixElement) except IOError as e: print("Error while updating dipoleMatrixElements File "+\ self.dipoleMatrixElementFile) print(e) # save quadrupole elements try:,\ self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile),\ quadrupoleMatrixElement) except IOError as e: print("Error while updating quadrupoleMatrixElements File "+\ self.quadrupoleMatrixElementFile) print(e)
[docs] def getTransitionRate(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2,temperature = 0.): """ Transition rate due to coupling to vacuum modes (black body included) Calculates transition rate from the first given state to the second given state :math:`|n_1,l_1,j_1\\rangle \\rightarrow \ |n_2,j_2,j_2\\rangle` at given temperature due to interaction with the vacuum field. For zero temperature this returns Einstein A coefficient. For details of calculation see Ref. [#lf1]_ and Ref. [#lf2]_. See `Black-body induced population transfer example snippet`_. .. _`Black-body induced population transfer example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Rydberg-Atom-Lifetimes Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum [temperature] (float): temperature in K Returns: float: transition rate in s :math:`{}^{-1}` (SI) References: .. [#lf1] C. E. Theodosiou, PRA **30**, 2881 (1984) .. [#lf2] I. I. Beterov, I. I. Ryabtsev, D. B. Tretyakov,\ and V. M. Entin, PRA **79**, 052504 (2009) """ degeneracyTerm = 1. dipoleRadialPart = 0.0 if (self.getTransitionFrequency(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)>0): dipoleRadialPart = self.getReducedMatrixElementJ_asymmetric(n1, l1, j1,\ n2, l2, j2)*\ C_e*(physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]) else: dipoleRadialPart = self.getReducedMatrixElementJ_asymmetric(n2, l2, j2,\ n1, l1, j1)*\ C_e*(physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0]) degeneracyTerm = (2.*j2+1.0)/(2.*j1+1.) omega = abs(2.0*pi*self.getTransitionFrequency(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)) modeOccupationTerm = 0. if (self.getTransitionFrequency(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2)<0): modeOccupationTerm = 1. # only possible by absorbing thermal photons ? if (hbar*omega < 100*C_k*temperature): modeOccupationTerm += 1./(exp(hbar*omega/(C_k*temperature))-1.) return omega**3*dipoleRadialPart**2/\ (3*pi*epsilon_0*hbar*C_c**3)\ *degeneracyTerm*modeOccupationTerm
[docs] def getStateLifetime(self,n,l,j,temperature=0,includeLevelsUpTo = 0): """ Returns the lifetime of the state (in s) For non-zero temperatures, user must specify up to which principal quantum number levels, that is **above** the initial state, should be included in order to account for black-body induced transitions to higher lying states. See `Rydberg lifetimes example snippet`_. .. _`Rydberg lifetimes example snippet`: ./Rydberg_atoms_a_primer.html#Rydberg-Atom-Lifetimes Args: n, l, j (int,int,float): specifies state whose lifetime we are calculating temperature : optional. Temperature at which the atom environment is, measured in K. If this parameter is non-zero, user has to specify transitions up to which state (due to black-body decay) should be included in calculation. includeLevelsUpTo (int): optional and not needed for atom lifetimes calculated at zero temperature. At non zero temperatures, this specify maximum principal quantum number of the state to which black-body induced transitions will be included. Minimal value of the parameter in that case is :math:`n+1` Returns: float: State lifetime in units of s (seconds) See also: :obj:`getTransitionRate` for calculating rates of individual transition rates between the two states """ if (temperature>0.1 and includeLevelsUpTo<=n): raise ValueError("For non-zero temperatures, user has to specify \ principal quantum number of the maximum state *above* the state for\ which we are calculating the lifetime. This is in order to include \ black-body induced transitions to higher lying up in energy levels.") elif (temperature<0.1): includeLevelsUpTo = n transitionRate = 0. for nto in xrange(max(self.groundStateN,l),includeLevelsUpTo+1): # sum over all l-1 if l>0: lto = l-1 if lto > j-0.5-0.1: jto = j transitionRate += self.getTransitionRate(n,l,j,\ nto, lto, jto,\ temperature) jto = j-1. if jto>0: transitionRate += self.getTransitionRate(n,l,j,\ nto, lto, jto,\ temperature) for nto in xrange(max(self.groundStateN,l+2),includeLevelsUpTo+1): # sum over all l+1 lto = l+1 if lto -0.5-0.1< j : jto = j transitionRate += self.getTransitionRate(n,l,j,\ nto, lto, jto,\ temperature) jto = j+1 transitionRate += self.getTransitionRate(n,l,j,\ nto, lto, jto,\ temperature) # sum over additional states for state in self.extraLevels: if (abs(j-state[2])<0.6) and (state[2]!= l): transitionRate += self.getTransitionRate(n,l,j,\ state[0],state[1],state[2],\ temperature) return 1./transitionRate
[docs] def getRadialCoupling(self,n,l,j,n1,l1,j1): """ Returns radial part of the coupling between two states (dipole and quadrupole interactions only) Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: radial coupling strength (in a.u.), or zero for forbidden transitions in dipole and quadrupole approximation. """ dl = abs(l-l1) if (dl == 1 and abs(j-j1)<1.1): #print(n," ",l," ",j," ",n1," ",l1," ",j1) return self.getRadialMatrixElement(n,l,j,n1,l1,j1) elif (dl==0 or dl==1 or dl==2) and(abs(j-j1)<2.1): # quadrupole coupling #return 0. return self.getQuadrupoleMatrixElement(n,l,j,n1,l1,j1) else: # neglect octopole coupling and higher #print("NOTE: Neglecting couplings higher then quadrupole") return 0
[docs] def getAverageSpeed(self,temperature): """ Average (mean) speed at a given temperature Args: temperature (float): temperature (K) Returns: float: mean speed (m/s) """ return sqrt( 8.*C_k*temperature/(pi*self.mass) )
def _readLiteratureValues(self): # clear previously saved results, since literature file # might have been updated in the meantime self.c.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS literatureDME''') self.c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='literatureDME';''') if (self.c.fetchone()[0] == 0): # create table self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS literatureDME (n1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, n2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, dme DOUBLE, typeOfSource TINYINT, errorEstimate DOUBLE, comment TINYTEXT, ref TINYTEXT, refdoi TINYTEXT );''') self.c.execute('''CREATE INDEX compositeIndex ON literatureDME (n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2); ''') self.conn.commit() if (self.literatureDMEfilename == ""): return 0; # no file specified for literature values try: fn = open(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,self.literatureDMEfilename), 'r') data= csv.reader(fn,delimiter=";",quotechar='"') literatureDME = [] # i=0 is header i=0 for row in data: if i!=0: n1 = int(row[0]) l1 = int(row[1]) j1 = float(row[2]) n2 = int(row[3]) l2 = int(row[4]) j2 = float(row[5]) if (self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)>self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)): temp = n1 n1 = n2 n2 = temp temp = l1 l1 = l2 l2 = temp temp = j1 j1 = j2 j2 = temp # convered from reduced DME in J basis (symmetric notation) # to radial part of dme as it is saved for calculated values dme = float(row[6])/((-1)**(int(l1+0.5+j2+1.))*\ sqrt((2.*j1+1.)*(2.*j2+1.))*\ Wigner6j(j1, 1., j2, l2, 0.5, l1)*\ (-1)**l1*sqrt((2.0*l1+1.0)*(2.0*l2+1.0))*\ Wigner3j(l1,1,l2,0,0,0)) comment = row[7] typeOfSource = int(row[8]) # 0 = experiment; 1 = theory errorEstimate = float(row[9]) ref = row[10] refdoi = row[11] literatureDME.append([n1,l1,j1*2,n2,l2,j2*2,dme,\ typeOfSource,errorEstimate,\ comment,ref,\ refdoi]) i +=1 fn.close() try: self.c.executemany('''INSERT INTO literatureDME VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?, ?,?,?,?,?)''',\ literatureDME) self.conn.commit() except sqlite3.Error as e: print("Error while loading precalculated values into the database") print(e) exit() except IOError as e: print("Error reading literature values File "+\ self.literatureDMEfilename) print(e)
[docs] def getLiteratureDME(self,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2): """ Returns literature information on requested transition. Args: n1,l1,j1: one of the states we are coupling n2,l2,j2: the other state to which we are coupling Returns: bool, float, [int,float,string,string,string]: hasLiteratureValue?, dme, referenceInformation **If Boolean value is True**, a literature value for dipole matrix element was found and reduced DME in J basis is returned as the number. Third returned argument (array) contains additional information about the literature value in the following order [ typeOfSource, errorEstimate , comment , reference, reference DOI] upon success to find a literature value for dipole matrix element: * typeOfSource=1 if the value is theoretical calculation;\ otherwise, if it is experimentally obtained value\ typeOfSource=0 * comment details where within the publication the value\ can be found * errorEstimate is absolute error estimate * reference is human-readable formatted reference * reference DOI provides link to the publication. **Boolean value is False**, followed by zero and an empty array if no literature value for dipole matrix element is found. Note: The literature values are stored in /data folder in <element name>_literature_dme.csv files as a ; separated values. Each row in the file consists of one literature entry, that has information in the following order: * n1 * l1 * j1 * n2 * l2 * j2 * dipole matrix element reduced l basis (a.u.) * comment (e.g. where in the paper value appears?) * value origin: 1 for theoretical; 0 for experimental values * accuracy * source (human readable formatted citation) * doi number (e.g. 10.1103/RevModPhys.82.2313 ) If there are several values for a given transition, program will output the value that has smallest error (under column accuracy). The list of values can be expanded - every time program runs this file is read and the list is parsed again for use in calculations. """ if (self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1)>self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2)): temp = n1 n1 = n2 n2 = temp temp = l1 l1 = l2 l2 = temp temp = j1 j1 = j2 j2 = temp # is there literature value for this DME? If there is, # use the best one (wit the smallest error) j1_x2 = 2*j1 j2_x2 = 2*j2 self.c.execute('''SELECT dme, typeOfSource, errorEstimate , comment , ref, refdoi FROM literatureDME WHERE n1= ? AND l1 = ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND n2 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ? ORDER BY errorEstimate ASC''',\ (n1,l1,j1_x2,n2,l2,j2_x2)) answer = self.c.fetchone() if (answer): # we did found literature value return True,answer[0],[answer[1],answer[2],answer[3],\ answer[4],answer[5]] # if we are here, we were unsucessfull in literature search for this value return False,0,[]
[docs]def NumerovBack(innerLimit,outerLimit,kfun,step,init1,init2): """ Full Python implementation of Numerov integration Calculates solution function :math:`rad(r)` with descrete step in :math:`r` size of `step`, integrating from `outerLimit` towards the `innerLimit` (from outside, inwards) equation :math:`\\frac{\\mathrm{d}^2 rad(r)}{\\mathrm{d} r^2} = kfun(r)\\cdot rad(r)`. Args: innerLimit (float): inner limit of integration outerLimit (flaot): outer limit of integration kfun (function(double)): pointer to function used in equation (see longer explanation above) step: descrete step size for integration init1 (float): initial value, `rad`(`outerLimit`+`step`) init2 (float): initial value, `rad`(`outerLimit`+:math:`2\\cdot` `step`) Returns: numpy array of float , numpy array of float, int : :math:`r` (a.u), :math:`rad(r)`; Note: Returned function is not normalized! Note: If :obj:`AlkaliAtom.cpp_numerov` swich is set to True (default option), much faster C implementation of the algorithm will be used instead. That is recommended option. See documentation installation instructions for more details. """ br = int((sqrt(outerLimit)-sqrt(innerLimit))/step) sol = np.zeros(br,dtype=np.dtype('d')) # integrated wavefunction R(r)*r^{3/4} rad = np.zeros(br,dtype=np.dtype('d')) # radial coordinate for integration \sqrt(r) br = br-1 x = sqrt(innerLimit)+step*(br-1) sol[br] = (2.*(1.-5.0/12.0*step**2*kfun(x))*init1-\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x+step))*init2)/\ (1+1/12.0*step**2*kfun(x-step)) rad[br] = x x = x-step br = br-1 sol[br] = (2.*(1.-5.0/12.0*step**2*kfun(x))*sol[br+1]-\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x+step))*init1)/\ (1+1/12.0*step**2*kfun(x-step)) rad[br] = x # check if the function starts diverging before the innerLimit # -> in that case break integration earlier maxValue = 0. checkPoint = 0 fromLastMax = 0 while br>checkPoint: br = br-1 x = x-step sol[br] = (2.*(1.-5.0/12.0*step**2*kfun(x))*sol[br+1]-\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x+step))*sol[br+2])/\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x-step)) rad[br] = x if abs(sol[br]*sqrt(x))>maxValue: maxValue = abs(sol[br]*sqrt(x)) else: fromLastMax += 1 if fromLastMax>50: checkPoint = br # now proceed with caution - checking if the divergence starts # - if it does, cut earlier divergencePoint = 0 while (br>0)and(divergencePoint==0): br = br-1 x = x-step sol[br] = (2.*(1.-5.0/12.0*step**2*kfun(x))*sol[br+1]-\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x+step))*sol[br+2])/\ (1.+1./12.0*step**2*kfun(x-step)) rad[br] = x if (divergencePoint==0)and(abs(sol[br]*sqrt(x))>maxValue): divergencePoint = br while( abs(sol[divergencePoint])>abs(sol[divergencePoint+1])) and \ (divergencePoint<checkPoint): divergencePoint +=1 if divergencePoint>checkPoint: print("Numerov error") exit() for i in xrange(divergencePoint): rad[i]=0; sol[i]=0; # convert R(r)*r^{3/4} to R(r)*r sol = np.multiply(sol,np.sqrt(rad)) # convert \sqrt(r) to r rad = np.multiply(rad,rad) return rad,sol
def _atomLightAtomCoupling(n,l,j,nn,ll,jj,n1,l1,j1,n2,l2,j2,atom): """ Calculates radial part of atom-light coupling This function might seem redundant, since similar function exist for each of the atoms. However, function that is not connected to specific atomic species is provided in order to provides route to implement inter-species coupling in the future. """ # determine coupling dl = abs(l-l1) dj = abs(j-j1) c1 = 0 if dl==1 and (dj<1.1): c1 = 1 # dipole coupling elif (dl==0 or dl==2 or dl==1) and(dj<2.1): c1 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False dl = abs(ll-l2) dj = abs(jj-j2) c2 = 0 if dl==1 and (dj<1.1): c2 = 1 # dipole coupling elif (dl==0 or dl==2 or dl==1) and(dj<2.1): c2 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False radial1 = atom.getRadialCoupling(n,l,j,n1,l1,j1) radial2 = atom.getRadialCoupling(nn,ll,jj,n2,l2,j2) ## TO-DO: check exponent of the Boht radius (from where it comes?!) coupling = C_e**2/(4.0*pi*epsilon_0)*radial1*radial2*\ (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**(c1+c2) return coupling # =================== Saving and loading calculations (START) ===================
[docs]def saveCalculation(calculation,fileName): """ Saves calculation for future use. Saves :obj:`calculations_atom_pairstate.PairStateInteractions` and :obj:`calculations_atom_single.StarkMap` calculations in compact binary format in file named `filename`. It uses cPickle serialization library in Python, and also zips the final file. Calculation can be retrieved and used with :obj:`loadSavedCalculation` Args: calculation: class instance of calculations (instance of :obj:`calculations_atom_pairstate.PairStateInteractions` or :obj:`calculations_atom_single.StarkMap`) to be saved. fileName: name of the file where calculation will be saved Example: Let's suppose that we did the part of the :obj:`calculation_atom_pairstate.PairStateInteractions` calculation that involves generation of the interaction matrix. After that we can save the full calculation in a single file:: calc = PairStateInteractions(Rubidium(), 60,0,0.5,60,0,0.5, 0.5,0.5) calc.defineBasis(0,0, 5,5, 25.e9) calc.diagonalise(np.linspace(0.5,10.0,200),150) saveCalculation(calc, "mySavedCalculation.pkl") Then, at a later time, and even on the another machine, we can load that file and continue with calculation. We can for example explore the calculated level diagram:: calc = loadSavedCalculation("mySavedCalculation.pkl") calc.plotLevelDiagram() calc.showPlot() rvdw = calc.getVdwFromLevelDiagram(0.5,14,minStateContribution=0.5,\\ showPlot = True) Or, we can do additional matrix diagonalization, in some new range, then and find C6 by fitting the obtained level diagram:: calc = loadSavedCalculation("mySavedCalculation.pkl") calc.diagonalise(np.linspace(3,6.0,200),20) calc.getC6fromLevelDiagram(3,6.0,showPlot=True) Note that for all loading of saved calculations we've been using function :obj:`loadSavedCalculation` . Note: This doesn't save results of :obj:`plotLevelDiagram` for the corresponding calculations. Call the plot function before calling :obj:`showPlot` function for the corresponding calculation. """ try: ax = fig = calculation.fig = 0 calculation.fig = 0 output = gzip.GzipFile(fileName, 'wb') pickle.dump(calculation, output, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) output.close() = ax calculation.fig = fig except: print("ERROR: saving of the calculation failed.") print(sys.exc_info()) return 1 return 0
[docs]def loadSavedCalculation(fileName): """ Loads previously saved calculation. Loads :obj:`calculations_atom_pairstate.PairStateInteractions` and :obj:`calculations_atom_single.StarkMap` calculation instance from file named `filename` where it was previously saved with :obj:`saveCalculation` . Example: See example for :obj:`saveCalculation`. Args: fileName: name of the file where calculation will be saved Returns: saved calculation """ calculation = False try: calcInput = gzip.GzipFile(fileName, 'rb') calculation = pickle.load(calcInput) except: print("ERROR: loading of the calculation from '%s' failed" % fileName) print(sys.exc_info()) return False print("Loading of "+calculation.__class__.__name__+" from '"+fileName+\ "' successful.") # establish conneciton to the database calculation.atom._databaseInit() return calculation
# =================== Saving and loading calculations (END) =================== # =================== State generation and printing (START) =================== def singleAtomState(j,m): a = zeros((int(round(2.0*j+1.0,0)),1),dtype=np.complex128) a[int(round(j+m,0))] = 1 return a return csr_matrix(([1], ([j+m], [0])), shape=(round(2.0*j+1.0,0),1)) def compositeState(s1,s2): a = zeros((s1.shape[0]*s2.shape[0],1),dtype=np.complex128) index = 0 for br1 in xrange(s1.shape[0]): for br2 in xrange(s2.shape[0]): a[index] = s1[br1]*s2[br2] index += 1 return a
[docs]def printState(n,l,j): """ Prints state spectroscopic label for numeric :math:`n`, :math:`l`, :math:`s` label of the state Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum """ print(n," ",printStateLetter(l),(" %.0d/2" % (j*2)))
[docs]def printStateString(n,l,j): """ Returns state spectroscopic label for numeric :math:`n`, :math:`l`, :math:`s` label of the state Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum Returns: string: label for the state in standard spectroscopic notation """ return str(n)+" "+printStateLetter(l)+(" %.0d/2" % (j*2))
[docs]def printStateStringLatex(n,l,j): """ Returns latex code for spectroscopic label for numeric :math:`n`, :math:`l`, :math:`s` label of the state Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momentum j (float): total angular momentum Returns: string: label for the state in standard spectroscopic notation """ return str(n)+printStateLetter(l)+("_{%.0d/2}" % (j*2))
def printStateLetter(l): let = '' if l==0: let = "S" elif l==1: let = "P" elif l == 2: let = "D" elif l== 3: let = "F" elif l == 4: let = "G" elif l == 5: let = "H" elif l == 6: let = "I" elif l == 7: let = "K" elif l == 8: let = "L" elif l == 9: let = "M" elif l == 10: let = "N" else: let = " l=%d" % l return let # =================== State generation and printing (END) =================== # =================== E FIELD Coupling (START) =================== class _EFieldCoupling: dataFolder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),"data") def __init__(self, theta=0., phi=0.): self.theta = theta self.phi = phi # STARK memoization self.conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.dataFolder,\ "precalculated_stark.db")) self.c = self.conn.cursor() ### ANGULAR PARTS self.c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='eFieldCoupling_angular';''') if (self.c.fetchone()[0] == 0): # create table self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS eFieldCoupling_angular (l1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_mj1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_mj2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, sumPart DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY (l1,j1_x2,j1_mj1,l2,j2_x2,j2_mj2) ) ''') self.conn.commit() ###COUPLINGS IN ROTATED BASIS (depend on theta, phi) self.wgd = wignerDmatrix(self.theta, self.phi) self.c.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS eFieldCoupling''') self.c.execute('''SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='eFieldCoupling';''') if (self.c.fetchone()[0] == 0): # create table self.c.execute('''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS eFieldCoupling (l1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j1_mj1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, l2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_x2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, j2_mj2 TINYINT UNSIGNED, coupling DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY (l1,j1_x2,j1_mj1,l2,j2_x2,j2_mj2) ) ''') self.conn.commit() def getAngular(self,l1,j1,mj1,l2,j2,mj2): self.c.execute('''SELECT sumPart FROM eFieldCoupling_angular WHERE l1= ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND j1_mj1 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ? AND j2_mj2 = ? ''',(l1,2*j1,j1+mj1,l2,j2*2,j2+mj2)) answer = self.c.fetchone() if (answer): return answer[0] # calulates sum (See PRA 20:2251 (1979), eq.(10)) sumPart = 0. ml = mj1 + 0.5 if (abs(ml)-0.1<l1)and(abs(ml)-0.1<l2): angularPart = 0. if (abs(l1-l2-1)<0.1): angularPart = ((l1**2-ml**2)/((2.*l1+1.)*(2.*l1-1.)))**0.5 elif(abs(l1-l2+1)<0.1): angularPart = ((l2**2-ml**2)/((2.*l2+1.)*(2.*l2-1.)))**0.5 sumPart += CG(l1,ml,0.5,mj1-ml,j1,mj1)*CG(l2,ml,0.5,mj1-ml,j2,mj2)*\ angularPart ml = mj1 - 0.5 if (abs(ml)-0.1<l1)and(abs(ml)-0.1<l2): angularPart = 0. if (abs(l1-l2-1)<0.1): angularPart = ((l1**2-ml**2)/((2.*l1+1.)*(2.*l1-1.)))**0.5 elif(abs(l1-l2+1)<0.1): angularPart = ((l2**2-ml**2)/((2.*l2+1.)*(2.*l2-1.)))**0.5 sumPart += CG(l1,ml,0.5,mj1-ml,j1,mj1)*CG(l2,ml,0.5,mj1-ml,j2,mj2)*\ angularPart self.c.execute(''' INSERT INTO eFieldCoupling_angular VALUES (?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?)''',\ [l1,2*j1,j1+mj1,l2,j2*2,j2+mj2,sumPart] ) self.conn.commit() return sumPart def getCouplingDivEDivDME(self,l1,j1,mj1,l2,j2,mj2): # returns angular coupling without radial part and electric field # if calculated before, retrieve from memory self.c.execute('''SELECT coupling FROM eFieldCoupling WHERE l1= ? AND j1_x2 = ? AND j1_mj1 = ? AND l2 = ? AND j2_x2 = ? AND j2_mj2 = ? ''',(l1,2*j1,j1+mj1,l2,j2*2,j2+mj2)) answer = self.c.fetchone() if (answer): return answer[0] # if it is not calculated before, calculate now coupling = 0. ## rotate individual states statePart1 = singleAtomState(j1, mj1) dMatrix = self.wgd.get(j1) statePart1 = np.conj( statePart2 = singleAtomState(j2, mj2) dMatrix = self.wgd.get(j2) statePart2 = ## find first common index and start summation start = min(j1,j2) for mj in np.linspace(-start,start,floor(2*start+1)): coupling += (self.getAngular(l1,j1,mj,l2,j2,mj)*\ (statePart1[j1+mj]*statePart2[j2+mj])[0].real) ## save in memory for later use self.c.execute(''' INSERT INTO eFieldCoupling VALUES (?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?)''',\ [l1,2*j1,j1+mj1,l2,j2*2,j2+mj2,coupling] ) self.conn.commit() # return result return coupling # =================== E FIELD Coupling (END) ===================