Source code for arc.web_functionality

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import sys

if sys.version_info > (2,):
    xrange = range

import numpy as np
from .alkali_atom_functions import printStateString, C_e, C_h, pi

[docs] def htmlLiteratureOutput(v, ref): print( "<div class='lit'><p>Literature values<p>Radial part of dipole matrix element: %.3f</p>" % v ) typeOfSource = "experimental value" if ref[0] == 1: typeOfSource = "theoretical value" print( "<p>Source: <a class='link' target='_blank' href=''>%s</a>, %s (%s) </p>" % (ref[4], ref[3], typeOfSource, ref[2]) ) print("</div>")
[docs] def rabiFrequencyWidget(atom, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, laserPower, laserWaist): sol = [] inputMj = '<p>Rabi frequency $=$ <span id="rabival">0</span><p><form id="polarization" onchange="myFunction()">' inputMj += '<p>for driving from <select id="mj" onchange="myFunction()">' index = 0 for mj1 in np.linspace(-j1, j1, int(round(2 * j1 + 1))): inputMj += '<option value="%d">m_j = %d/2 ' % ( index, int(round(2.0 * mj1)), ) arr = [] for q in [-1, 0, 1]: if abs(mj1 + q) - 0.1 < j2: rabiFreq = atom.getRabiFrequency( n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, q, laserPower, laserWaist ) / (2 * pi) arr.append( "$2 \\pi \\times$" + printValueString(rabiFreq, "Hz", decimalPlaces=2) ) else: arr.append("not coupled") sol.append(arr) index += 1 inputMj += r'</select>\ <input type="radio" name="colors" id="sigma-" value="0" >$\sigma^-$ | \ <input type="radio" name="colors" id="pi" value="1" checked>$\pi$ |\ <input type="radio" name="colors" id="sigma+" value="2" >$\sigma^+$\ transition</p></form>' script = "<script id='returnscript' type='text/javascript'>" script = script + "var rabiFreq =" + str(sol) + "; " script += 'function myFunction() {\ var mj = document.getElementById("mj").value;\ var p = 0;\ if (document.getElementById("sigma-").checked){\ p=0;\ }\ if (document.getElementById("pi").checked){\ p=1; \ }\ if (document.getElementById("sigma+").checked){\ p=2; \ }\ document.getElementById("rabival").innerHTML = rabiFreq[mj][p] ;\ MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,"rabival"]);\ }\ document.getElementById("polarization").addEventListener("click", myFunction);\ myFunction();\ </script>' return inputMj + script
[docs] def printValueString(value, unit, decimalPlaces=3): prefix = ["f", "p", "n", "$\\mu$", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T"] i = 5 sg = 1.0 if value < 0: sg = -1.0 value = abs(value) formatString = "%%.%df %%s%%s" % decimalPlaces if value > 1000: while (value > 1000) and (i < 9): value = value * 1.0e-3 i += 1 return formatString % (sg * value, prefix[i], unit) elif value < 1: while (value < 1) and (i > 0): value = value * 1.0e3 i -= 1 return formatString % (sg * value, prefix[i], unit) else: return formatString % (sg * value, "", unit)
[docs] def plotStarkMap(calc, units=1, xlim=[], ylim=[], filename=""): originalState = calc.basisStates[calc.indexOfCoupledState] n = originalState[0] l = originalState[1] j = originalState[2] ax = webPlot() x = [] y = [] yState = [] ax.xlabel = "E field (V/cm)" coeff = 1.0 ax.ylabel = "Energy/h (GHz)" if units == 1: # in cm^{-1} coeff = 0.03336 # conversion factor from GHz to cm^{-1} ax.ylabel = "Energy/(h c) (cm^{-1})" if ylim == []: ylim = [ calc.atom.getEnergy(n, l, j) * C_e / C_h * 1e-9 * coeff - 10, calc.atom.getEnergy(n, l, j) * C_e / C_h * 1e-9 * coeff + 10, ] for br in xrange(len(calc.y)): for i in xrange(len(calc.y[br])): yt = calc.y[br][i] * coeff if yt < ylim[1] and ylim[0] < yt: x.append(calc.eFieldList[i]) y.append(yt) yState.append(calc.highlight[br][i]) yState = np.array(yState) sortOrder = yState.argsort(kind="heapsort") x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) x = x[sortOrder] y = y[sortOrder] yState = yState[sortOrder] ct = "|< %s | \\mu > |^2" % printStateString(n, l, j) ax.scatter(x / 100.0, y, c=yState, cmin=0, cmax=1, ctitle=ct) if xlim == []: xlim = [min(x) / 100.0, max(x) / 100.0] ax.printPlot( xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, filename=filename, name="starkdiv1", height=600 ) return 0
[docs] def plotInteractionLevels(calc, xlim=[], ylim=[], filename=""): ax = webPlot() ax.xlabel = r"R (\mu m)" ax.ylabel = r"\Delta E (GHz)" if calc.drivingFromState[0] == 0: # colouring is based on the contribution of the original pair state here ct = r"|< %s %.1f , %s %.1f | \mu > |^2$" % ( printStateString(calc.n, calc.l, calc.j), calc.m1, printStateString(calc.nn, calc.ll, calc.jj), calc.m1, ) else: # colouring is based on the coupling to different states ct = r"\Omega_\mu/\Omega" x = [] y = [] yState = [] for br in xrange(len(calc.y)): for i in xrange(len(calc.y[br])): x.append(calc.r[i]) y.append(calc.y[br][i]) yState.append(calc.highlight[br][i]) yState = np.array(yState) sortOrder = yState.argsort(kind="heapsort") x = np.array(x) y = np.array(y) x = x[sortOrder] y = y[sortOrder] yState = yState[sortOrder] ax.scatter(x, y, c=yState, cmin=0, cmax=1, ctitle=ct) ax.printPlot(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, filename=filename, name="levelintdiv") return
[docs] class webPlot:
[docs] def __init__(self): self.traces = [] self.layout = [] self.traceNo = 0 self.xlabel = "" self.ylabel = "" self.layoutx = "" self.layouty = "" self.title = ""
def plot(self, x, y, type, name=""): np.set_printoptions(threshold=1e10) self.traceNo += 1 temp = "{ x:" + np.array2string(x, separator=",") + ",\n" temp = temp + "y: " + np.array2string(y, separator=",") + ",\n" if type == ".": temp += "mode: 'markers',\n marker: {size:5},\n" elif type == "-": temp += "mode: 'lines',\n" temp += "name: '%s'" % name temp += "}" self.traces.append(temp) def semilogx(self, x, y, type, name=""): self.layoutx = "type:'log' ,\n\ tickformat :'.1e',\n " self.plot(x, y, type, name) def semilogy(self, x, y, type, name=""): self.layouty = "type:'log' ,\n\ tickformat :'.1e',\n " self.plot(x, y, type, name) def scatter(self, x, y, c=[], cmin=0, cmax=1, ctitle="", name=""): np.set_printoptions(threshold=1e10) self.traceNo += 1 temp = ( "{ x:" + np.array2string( x, separator=",", ) + ",\n" ) temp = temp + "y: " + np.array2string(y, separator=",") + ",\n" temp += "name: '%s',\n" % name if c != []: temp = temp + " text: " + np.array2string(c, separator=",") + ",\n" temp += "mode: 'markers',\n" if c != []: temp = ( temp + "marker:{\n\ color:" + np.array2string(c, separator=",") + ",\n\ cmin:%f,\n\ cmax:%f,\n\ showscale: true,\n\ colorbar:{\n\ title:'" % (cmin, cmax) + str(ctitle) + "',\n\ },\n\ size:5\n\ },\n" ) else: temp = ( temp + "marker:{\n\ size:5\n\ },\n" ) temp += "}" self.traces.append(temp) def printPlot( self, name="", width=600, height=363, xlim=[], ylim=[], filename="", scriptName="returnscript", ): d = "" i = 0 while i < self.traceNo: if i != 0: d += "," d += self.traces[i] i += 1 d = "data=[" + d + "];\n" xLimData = "" if not xlim == []: xLimData = "range: [%.2E,%.2E],\n" % (xlim[0], xlim[1]) yLimData = "" if not ylim == []: yLimData = "range: [%.2E,%.2E],\n" % (ylim[0], ylim[1]) # now layout l = ( "layout = {\n\ hovermode: 'closest',\n\ xaxis:{\n\ zeroline:false,\n\ " + self.layoutx + "\ " + xLimData + "\ title: '" + self.xlabel + "',\n\ ticks: 'inside',\n\ showline: true\n\ },\n\ yaxis:{\n\ zeroline:false,\n\ " + self.layouty + "\ " + yLimData + "\ title: '" + self.ylabel + "',\n\ ticks: 'inside' ,\n\ showline: true \n\ }\n\ };\n" ) if filename == "": if name == "": name = "plotdiv" if self.title != "": print("<p>" + self.title + "</p>") print( "<div id='" + name + "' style='width:%dpx;height:%dpx;'></div>\n" % (width, height) ) print("<script id='" + scriptName + "' type='text/javascript'>\n") print("plotarea = document.getElementById('" + name + "');\n") print(d) print(l) print("Plotly.plot(plotarea, data, layout);\n") print("</script>\n") else: f = open(filename, "w") if name == "": name = "plotdiv" if self.title != "": f.write("<p>" + self.title + "</p>") f.write( "<div id='" + name + "' style='width:%dpx;height:%dpx;'></div>\n" % (width, height) ) f.write("<script id='" + scriptName + "' type='text/javascript'>\n") f.write("plotarea = document.getElementById('" + name + "')\n") f.write(d) f.write(l) f.write("Plotly.plot(plotarea, data, layout);\n") f.write("</script>\n") f.close()