
DivalentAtom.getEnergy(n, l, j, s=None)[source]#

Energy of the level relative to the ionisation level (in eV)

Returned energies are with respect to the center of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. If preferQuantumDefects =False (set during initialization) program will try use NIST energy value, if such exists, falling back to energy calculation with quantum defects if the measured value doesn’t exist. For preferQuantumDefects =True, program will calculate energies from quantum defects (useful for comparing quantum defect calculations with measured energy level values) if the principal quantum number of the requested state is larger than the minimal quantum principal quantum number self.minQuantumDefectN which sets minimal quantum number for which quantum defects still give good estimate of state energy (below this value saved energies will be used if existing).

  • n (int) – principal quantum number

  • l (int) – orbital angular momentum

  • j (float) – total angular momentum

  • s (float) – optional, total spin angular momentum. Default value of 0.5 is correct for Alkali atoms, and has to be specified explicitly for divalent atoms.


state energy (eV)

Return type
