
StarkMap.defineBasis(n, l, j, mj, nMin, nMax, maxL, Bz=0, progressOutput=False, debugOutput=False, s=0.5)[source]#

Initializes basis of states around state of interest

Defines basis of states for further calculation. \(n,l,j,m_j\) specify state whose neighbourhood and polarizability we want to explore. Other parameters specify basis of calculations. This method stores basis in basisStates, while corresponding interaction matrix is stored in two parts. First part is diagonal electric-field independent part stored in mat1, while the second part mat2 corresponds to off-diagonal elements that are propotional to electric field. Overall interaction matrix for electric field eField can be then obtained as fullStarkMatrix = mat1 + mat2 *eField

  • n (int) – principal quantum number of the state

  • l (int) – angular orbital momentum of the state

  • j (flaot) – total angular momentum of the state

  • mj (float) – projection of total angular momentum of the state

  • nMin (int) – minimal principal quantum number of the states to be included in the basis for calculation

  • nMax (int) – maximal principal quantum number of the states to be included in the basis for calculation

  • maxL (int) – maximal value of orbital angular momentum for the states to be included in the basis for calculation

  • Bz (float) – optional, magnetic field directed along z-axis in units of Tesla. Calculation will be correct only for weak magnetic fields, where paramagnetic term is much stronger then diamagnetic term. Diamagnetic term is neglected.

  • progressOutput (bool, optional) – if True prints the progress of calculation; Set to false by default.

  • debugOutput (bool, optional) – if True prints additional information usefull for debuging. Set to false by default.

  • s (float) – optional. Total spin angular momentum for the state. Default value of 0.5 is correct for Alkaline Atoms, but value has to be specified explicitly for divalent atoms (e.g. s=0 or s=1 for singlet and triplet states, that have total spin angular momenutum equal to 0 or 1 respectively).