- AlkaliAtom.getRabiFrequency(n1: int, l1: int, j1: float, mj1: float, n2: int, l2: int, j2: float, q: int, laserPower: float, laserWaist: float, s: float = 0.5) float [source]#
Returns a Rabi frequency for resonantly driven atom in a center of TEM00 mode of a driving field
- Parameters:
n1 – state from which we are driving transition
l1 – state from which we are driving transition
j1 – state from which we are driving transition
mj1 – state from which we are driving transition
n2 – state to which we are driving transition
l2 – state to which we are driving transition
j2 – state to which we are driving transition
q – laser polarization (-1,0,1 correspond to \(\sigma^-\), \(\pi\) and \(\sigma^+\) respectively)
laserPower – laser power in units of W
laserWaist – laser \(1/e^2\) waist (radius) in units of m
s (float) – optional, total spin angular momentum of state. By default 0.5 for Alkali atoms.
- Returns:
Frequency in rad \(^{-1}\). If you want frequency in Hz, divide by returned value by \(2\pi\)
- Return type: