
StarkMapResonances.findResonances(nMin, nMax, maxL, eFieldList, energyRange=[- 5000000000.0, 5000000000.0], Bz=0, progressOutput=False)[source]#

Finds near-resonant dipole-coupled pair-states

For states in range of principal quantum numbers [nMin,`nMax`] and orbital angular momentum [0,`maxL`], for a range of electric fields given by eFieldList function will find near-resonant pair states.

Only states that are in the range given by energyRange will be extracted from the pair-state Stark maps.

  • nMin (int) – minimal principal quantum number of the state to be included in the StarkMap calculation

  • nMax (int) – maximal principal quantum number of the state to be included in the StarkMap calculation

  • maxL (int) – maximum value of orbital angular momentum for the states to be included in the calculation

  • eFieldList ([float]) – list of the electric fields (in V/m) for which to calculate level diagram (StarkMap)

  • Bz (float) – optional, magnetic field directed along z-axis in units of Tesla. Calculation will be correct only for weak magnetic fields, where paramagnetic term is much stronger then diamagnetic term. Diamagnetic term is neglected.

  • energyRange ([float,float]) – optinal argument. Minimal and maximal energy of that some dipole-coupled state should have in order to keep it in the plot (in units of Hz). By default it finds states that are \(\pm 5\) GHz

  • progressOutput (bool, optional) – if True prints the progress of calculation; Set to false by default.