
AlkaliAtom.getReducedMatrixElementL(n1: int, l1: int, j1: float, n2: int, l2: int, j2: float, s: float = 0.5) float[source]#

Reduced matrix element in \(L\) basis (symmetric notation)

  • n1 (int) – principal quantum number of state 1

  • l1 (int) – orbital angular momentum of state 1

  • j1 (float) – total angular momentum of state 1

  • n2 (int) – principal quantum number of state 2

  • l2 (int) – orbital angular momentum of state 2

  • j2 (float) – total angular momentum of state 2


reduced dipole matrix element in \(L\) basis \(\langle l || er || l' \rangle\) (\(a_0 e\)).

Return type:
